a smiling researcher checking fluids in a laboratory full of bottles

We are fortunate to enjoy the support of many visionary individuals, trusts and foundations, and organisations who are working with us to shape the future of eye care in a transformational way.

We truly appreciate the generous support of individual philanthropists and grant making organisations who’ve given gifts to support innovative research, education and care to improve people’s sight. 

Your generosity has enabled us to create opportunities for Moorfields Eye Hospital and its research partner, the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology.

Recent projects

Thanks to philanthropic gifts, we’re supporting innovation in research, patient care and training which is making a difference to patients at Moorfields and worldwide:

Investing in emotional and practical help

We support patients at Moorfields though the eye clinic liaison service which gives patients confidence, advice and connects them with others. It offers emotional and practical help to patients coping with sight loss. We are grateful for the support of the Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust.

Read more about the eye clinic liaison service

Funding 3D printing of prosthetic eyes

The first 3D printed prosthetic eye was fitted at Moorfields Eye Hospital. We invest in professor Mandeep Sagoo’s work investigating 3D printing of ocular prosthetics. This project has been supported by the charity through the generous philanthropy of the Drayson Foundation.

Read more about 3D printing of prosthetic eyes

Supporting wellbeing at Moorfields

We want to bring long-lasting health and wellbeing benefits to staff and patients. We support our amazing NHS Moorfields staff through the challenges they face each day. We’ve helped develop new wellbeing spaces and we’re investing in patient research. Thanks to NHS Charities Together and the EBM Charitable Trust.

Read more about supporting wellbeing at Moorfields

Looking to the future

We have an unmissable opportunity to create the centre for advancing eye health - a state-of-the-art integrated treatment, research and education centre. It is scheduled to open in 2027.

Supporting us

The new centre will push the boundaries of science, deliver breakthrough treatments. In partnership with UCL, we are committed to raising £100 million in philanthropic support. 

If you’re interested in hearing more about the role of philanthropy, please contact Julide Troedson on 020 7521 4610 or julide.troedson@nhs.net

If you’re interested in hearing more about the new centre for advancing eye health, please contact Rachel Jones on 020 7521 4610 or at rachel.jones310@nhs.net