Thank you!

Thank you for supporting Moorfields Eye Charity. Your gift is helping us to support hundreds of thousands of people with sight loss.

By giving to us regularly you’re helping us plan for the future, because we know that we can rely on you to support our work. It’s an incredibly powerful way to give back to Moorfields.

How your donation makes a difference

This is Flossie. She’s been a patient at Moorfields Eye Hospital since 1975, when doctors discovered a tumour in her eye. Moorfields saved her sight.

Now Flossie works at the Richard Desmond Children’s Eye Centre, supporting children who need eye care at Moorfields just like she did. She’s also a passionate fundraiser for Moorfields Eye Charity.

Eyesight is something we all take for granted. The work that Moorfields does in researching conditions and their treatment is truly amazing, so thank you for your help in raising vital funds for Moorfields.

Flossie, senior play specialist at Moorfields

Donations like yours allow us to help more people like Flossie. Your generosity means we can buy advanced new equipment to diagnose disease faster, build new facilities to improve the experience of patients and invest in research to help us find new treatments. 

Thank you.