What we’re funding
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Our Projects
Understanding abnormal eye development in Fraser syndrome
Professor Alison Hardcastle’s team is investigating the role of gene mutations in the abnormal eye development in Fraser syndrome.
Understanding how genes control eye development
We are funding Dr Rodrigo Young’s research to study the genes that control the eye development. Read more.
Innovative ways to diagnose uveitis
Dr Colin Chu received funding to test if advanced DNA sequencing can identify hidden causes of uveitis through Moorfields’ innovation grants program.
Hacking healthcare: a weekend of innovation
Over the weekend of 16 and 17 November, clinicians, healthcare workers, designers, coders, IT experts, and software engi…
Advancing our understanding of myopia and microphthalmia
We’re supporting a Research Training fellowship by Dr Daniel Jackson that aims to pinpoint common molecular causes of my…
Driving a new approach to treating uveitis
We’re supporting a Research Training Fellowship that aims to investigate the possibility of using a new form of gene the…
Marvellous mechanism supports retinal blood vessels
We’re co-funding research into MarvelID3 a proteins that could promote healthy maintainance of blood vessels in the eyes of people living with diabetes.
Investigating blood vessel regeneration in the retina
We’re funding a PhD studentship, supervised by Professor Christiana Ruhrberg and Professor Patric Turowski, which will s…
Killifish: a faster way to study retinal ageing
Ageing is the most important risk factor for a number of eye conditions. We are supporting a PhD student in Dr Ryan MacD…
The quest to prevent sight loss in diabetes
We are proudly co-funding a prestigious and competitive Diabetes UK RD Lawrence Fellowship awarded to Dr Giulia De Rossi…
Increasing the molecular diagnosis rates of primary congenital glaucoma
Dr Nicola Cronbach has been awarded a Research Training Fellowship, during which she will be focusing on uncovering novel genes that contribute to primary congenital glaucoma.
Predicting responses to treatment in birdshot chorioretinopathy patients
We are supporting Dr Colin Chu in studying if immune responses measured in blood collected from birdshot chorioretinopat…
Identifying new ways of treating uveal melanoma
We recently awarded a Career Development Award to Dr Davide Zecchin, exploring the mechanisms underlying uveal melanoma …
Transforming specialist eye care
We’ve recently awarded two innovation grants to strengthen the delivery of specialist treatments ‘above and beyond’ what…
Understanding immune responses to retinal gene therapy
We are funding a PhD studentship, supervised by Dr Colin Chu and Professor Andrew Dick, to investigate how the immune sy…
Mental health support for young people
We’re funding a PhD studentship involved in important research by Dr Michael Crossland, examining the impact of inherite…
Tackling the ‘trial-and-error’ approach to treating glaucoma
Through our Springboard Award scheme, we are supporting research led by Dr Karl Matter looking at how our genes can play…
Improving volunteering accessibility for young people
We’re funding a new project encouraging young people from under-represented groups to volunteer, with aims of attracting…
Transforming future service delivery
Critical research looks at the design of diagnostic hubs to transform future delivery of eye services and meet a growing demand for eye care.
Advancing knowledge of early diabetic retinopathy
Professors Marcus Fruttiger & Adnan Tufail and PhD student, Joel Mendes, will investigate the disease progression of dia…
Monitoring glaucoma in the community
We’re supporting Moorfields optometrist Dr Anish Jindal to explore how community-based optometrists are assessing patien…
Retinoblastoma – advancing understanding of causes, progression and malignancy
We are delighted to be supporting the research of Professors Shin-ichi Ohnuma and Mandeep Sagoo, who are studying retino…
Joint funding research with Fight for Sight
We’re very pleased to be funding research jointly with Fight for Sight into inherited retinal disease.
Detecting early functional changes in diabetic retinopathy
We are funding a PhD studentship investigating how to detect early blood vessel functional changes in diabetic retinopat…
New fellowship awarded to honour late expert in eye cancer
We’re awarding a fellowship in memory of ocular oncologist, Victoria Cohen.
Novel models to study retinal vascular disease
The retina, the light sensitive part of your eye, is critically important for vision. It uses a lot of energy and genera…
Pioneering 3D printing for patients with eye loss
Professor Mandeep Sagoo and colleagues are conducting a clinical trial, supported by the charity, which looks at 3D printing ocular prosthetics.
First NIHR Moorfields Eye Charity partnership fellowship awarded
In partnership with the National Institute for Health Research, we’re funding Dr Patrick Yu Wai Man’s Advanced Fellowshi…
Innovative imaging of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
We’re funding a new PhD studentship that hopes to drive forward the understanding of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy u…
Investigating the genetics of keratoconus
A new PhD studentship, supervised by Professor Alison Hardcastle at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, will use genetics to…
We’re funding the Friends of Moorfields’ volunteers
We’re supporting the Friends of Moorfields and their fantastic volunteer programme through the pandemic and with a three year grant.
Effect of Covid-19 on people with diabetes
With Diabetes UK, we’re co-funding a project looking at the effects of deferring treatment of DMO patients.
Effective tools for imaging and assessment of diabetes
People with diabetes can be affected by diabetic retinopathy (DR), where high blood sugar levels can lead to sight loss.…
Investigating the genetics of macular degeneration
New work from Dr Amanda Carr at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology hopes to reveal how genes impact on the development o…
Machine learning in diabetic retinopathy
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that is being increasingly used in clinical practice. Now, researchers a…
Resource to tackle age-related macular degeneration
Researchers at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology are establishing a resource to supply patient-derived age-related macu…
Patients’ perceptions and understanding of diabetic retinopathy
We are funding an innovation grant exploring how patients perceptions and understanding of their eye condition is impacted by use of RetinaRisk® - an app that gives an individualised risk assessment for the development of diabetic retinopathy.
Risk stratification in glaucoma
We are funding an innovation grant which has evaluated a risk stratification tool to identify patients with glaucoma at higher risk of vision loss.
Evaluating new ways of delivering children’s eye care
The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked new ideas in clinical service delivery and healthcare across the NHS. The expanded use…
Patient self-testing at home for macular oedema
The use of innovative technology is changing clinical care, enabling the remote monitoring of conditions and engaging pa…
Regenerative properties of retinal cells
Current treatments for retinal degeneration only slow progression of sight loss rather than restore vision. More researc…
New Moorfields Eye Charity chair in advanced ocular imaging
We’re funding a joint professorship combining world leading engineering and vision science.
Optometry led delivery of glaucoma treatment
Moorfields led research has demonstrated that changes to the treatment pathway for some glaucoma patients improves outco…
Building a glaucoma model
Researchers at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology are developing a 3D model to investigate the mechanisms underlying gla…
Using ultrasound to diagnose eye cancer
Every year, approximately 1,400 patients are referred to the eye cancer service at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Clinicians t…
Monitoring glaucoma from home
The way routine clinical services across the UK are being delivered is changing the way in which we access healthcare. W…
Redesigning contact lenses for keratoconus
Contact lenses can offer a great option for correcting vision. For people with keratoconus however, contact lens are often rigid, and with irregular shape of the eye can reduce patient quality of life.
Improving outcomes for people with keratoconus
Early diagnosis is an important factor for the outcome of treatment options in many diseases.
3D models support study of gene therapy for blindness
Gene therapy has the potential to prevent or stop the loss of vision caused by genetic conditions. We’re funding a proje…
Modelling degenerative diseases of the retina
We are funding a PhD studentship to study neuronal cell loss and dysfunction in the context of specific disease-associated mutations.
Understanding retinal changes in rare inherited eye diseases
Inherited retinal diseases are a genetically and phenotypically diverse group of diseases that collectively form the lea…
Understanding how the eye develops
Four in every 10,000 cases of blindness amongst children are caused by faulty genes preventing normal eye development during pregnancy.
Vision loss and mitochondria - the energy producers of cells
Dominant optic atrophy (DOA) is the most common inherited disease of the optic nerve and a cause of progressive blindness in children and young adults
Monitoring children’s sight from home
Regular home-monitoring of vision would particularly benefit children, as hospital visits can disrupt schooling. It woul…
Innovating glaucoma care
Glaucoma is the leading cause of incurable sight loss globally, affecting over 80 million people. The number of people a…
Counselling for children and young people
We’re funding specialist counselling sessions to help children and young people affected by sight loss.
Sight-saving imaging for premature babies
Retinopathy of prematurity is an eye condition that puts premature babies at risk of permanent sight loss.
Investigating the genetics of glaucoma to find new treatments
We’re co-funding ‘LiGHT’, a study that explores personalised therapy for glaucoma patients.
Combining genetics and drug development to tackle glaucoma
We’re funding research into a new treatment that could help prevent scarring caused by glaucoma.
Understanding the role of nerves in the cornea
We’re funding research into VEGF-A, a protein that could promote healthy maintenance and recovery of the cornea after injury.
Involving young people in developing Moorfields’ services for children
We’re funding a Youth Forum so children and young people can have their say.
Playtime at Moorfields
Every year we fund new toys to replace lost and damaged ones at the Richard Desmond Children’s Eye Centre to help put younger patients at ease.
A new zebrafish facility to help study eye diseases
We’re investing in a cutting-edge zebrafish facility so researchers can explore new treatments for blinding conditions.
Digital keys to unlock benefits for staff and patients
We’re funding a trial of digital keys for medicine cupboards so staff can access medicines faster.
Finding a way to correct genes that cause disease
We’re investing in research exploring inherited eye conditions like Stargardt Disease.
Keeping the back of the eye healthy and clear of debris
Researchers at Moorfields are searching for a new way to treat patients who get a build up of debris in the back of the eye.
Using AI in new ways to investigate retinal diseases
We’re funding a research study that will use deep learning to evaluate causes of inherited retinal diseases.
Real-world evidence driving personalised eye care
We’re funding genetics research that will help us to better understand the risk factors associated with glaucoma.
Searching for genes causing corneal diseases
We’re funding a PhD Studentship, where the researcher will investigate the cause of two corneal diseases.
Raising awareness of the dangers of tap water for contact lens wearers
We’re funding a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of using tap water to clean contact lenses.
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