A Moorfields Eye Charity staff member talking to a visitor at the charity hub at Moorfields Eye Hospital.

We have launched our new charity hub at Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road. It is a space where visitors can learn more about the charity, including the projects we support and how you can get involved.

Visitors have the opportunity to speak to staff/​volunteers and find out about the projects we fund from equipment to research. You can even show your support by making a donation – it just takes a tap on the contactless donation point. 

Moorfields Eye Charity supporter making a donation

The opening of the hub was attended by Robert Dufton, chief executive of Moorfields Eye Charity and Jon Spencer, Moorfields chief operating officer.

Robert says, we’re delighted to be back in the hospital and with a wonderful new space where we can meet patients and staff - talking to them about the charity’s work and the opportunities to support the charity to benefit Moorfields and UCL. Thank you to the hospital for organising this.”

Jon Spencer from Moorfields Eye Hospital at the launch with staff from the charity

At the hub you can learn more about volunteering for the charity and how to get involved with fundraising – whether you want to take part in an event or host your own. Staff can also learn about funding opportunities available to them through the research grants we offer.

We’re delighted that Moorfields Eye Charity has launched its new charity hub in the hospital. Charity staff are available to safely talk to patients about the charity including how it supports the activities of both Moorfields and UCL – enabling the innovation in patient care and research, and the development and wellbeing of staff. Please drop by when you’re next visiting the hospital.”

Jon Spencer, Chief operating officer at Moorfields

The hub is located inside Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road and is staffed Monday - Friday from 11am-3pm. Stop by and say hello on your next visit.