A clinician giving a baby an eye exam.

We’re launching our impact report to share what we’ve achieved together over the last year. We’re proud to have supported Moorfields and UCL through an extraordinary year. We’ve committed £4.2 million to support pioneering research, patient care, staff wellbeing and training.

We’re supporting NHS staff who have been caring for patients at Moorfields and at other hospitals during the pandemic. This includes funding a wellbeing space where staff can relax and recharge. We’re also collaborating with Diabetes UK to understand the impact of Covid-19 on people with diabetes.

Wellbeing space at Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road

We’ve continued to support researchers to sustain their critical work bringing earlier diagnoses and discovering sight-saving treatments. We report on some of the projects which are making a difference to eye health and influencing clinical care at Moorfields and more widely.

As the number of people affected by sight loss increases globally, we’re preparing for the future with Oriel – the proposed centre for advancing eye health opening in 2026. With Moorfields and UCL, we’ve reached major milestones. We’re delighted and grateful to have received funding commitments from donors and are talking to others interested in helping us realise our vision.

Thank you to everyone who supports us in lots of different ways so that we can make a difference to the work of researchers and clinicians and the lives of patients in the UK and globally.

Robert Dufton, Chief executive

We hope you enjoy reading our impact report and it inspires you to find out more about how our funding is having a life-changing impact on people with sight loss.