Patient Matthew conquers Kilimanjaro
Scaled epic heights to fundraise for Moorfields
15 November 2023

Matthew Simmans is a patient at Moorfields being treated for glaucoma and uveitis. His sight has been saved by our NHS professionals and as a way of showing his thanks, he decided to fundraise by scaling Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Matthew and his friend talked about climbing Kilimanjaro for a few years as it was on their bucket lists. This year, they both celebrated milestone birthdays and decided it was about time they got on and did it.

Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
Moorfields holds a special place in Matthew’s heart. He has lived with uveitis since his late 20s. Initially, his local hospital was able to manage it, but worsening symptoms of glaucoma led them to refer him to Moorfields.
Since then, Matthew has needed surgery in both eyes and continues with regular checkups - he currently experiences 20/20 vision thanks to the treatment he received at Moorfields.
What is uveitis?
Learn more
Uveitis is inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, called the uvea or uveal tract. It can cause eye pain and changes to your vision.
Symptoms of uveitis include eye pain (usually a dull ache in or around your eye), redness, sensitivity to light, blurred or cloudy vision, small shapes moving across your field of vision (floaters) and loss of the ability to see objects at the side of your field of vision
I’ve no doubt that without Moorfields, my sight would be nowhere near as good as it is.

Matthew conquers new heights
To give back to Moorfields, Matthew climbed Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, starting 20 February 2024. He reached an elevation of 5900m, and the trek up took six days!
He has raised over £2,000 to date.
Thank you, Matthew, for joining #TeamMoorfields and taking on this huge challenge. You’ve made a huge difference to so many patients like you.